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Бейсен с.Б. Мобильное приложение «Традиции казахского народа» на платформе iOs


Специальность 5B070400 – Вычислительная техника

и программное обеспечение

Almaty 2015

5. Labour safety and industrial ecology

5.1 Characteristics of the workplace

The widespread use of computers has allowed to increase productivity of labor, but also raised some problems, including protection of workers from harmful factors associated with the use of computer technology.

According to the theme of the diploma project is necessary to design and realize a Web-based application with e-learning system. This section of the diploma project includes following: analysis of the working conditions, identification the adverse factors, which affect the environment and development of concrete measures to ensure the safety of the worker. For analysis of the working conditions a place of training- International University of Information Technology was chosen. The building of university consists of 10 floors, with a total floor area of ​​8578 m2.For consideration computer room № 601 located on the 6th floor is taken. Total area of the computer room is ​​30 m2, height is 2.5 m and room has two windows. The audience has following items of technical equipment: 20 workplaces, 20 personal computers (20 computer cases, 20 monitors, 20 keyboards and 20 mice), 2 cameras and 1 air conditioning unit.

5.2 Analysis of dangerous and harmful factors

University staff could possibly face effect with physically hazardous and harmful production factors, such as increased noise, high ambient temperature, absence or lack of natural light, the lack of lighting at workplaces, electric shock, fire, static electricity, electromagnetic radiation and others.

The listed disadvantages can lead to inefficiency caused by developed depletion.

5.3 Health and safety during the work

5.3.1 Measures of norms

In order to achieve the established standards (table 5.1), parameters, microclimate and air quality in machine rooms and other rooms, ventilation is the ventilation system design involves the determination of air flow for ventilation of machine room and cooling computer cases.

There is a general and local ventilation. The minimum flow rate is determined on the basis of 50-60 m3/h consumption per person, but not less than two air changes per hour.

Air conditioning process of creating and maintaining permanent or alternative parameters set air in working capacity, is done automatically. Computer Room has an air conditioner.

Table 5.1 - Microclimate parameters

Period of the year

Microclimate parameters



Room temperature

Relative humidity

Velocity of air



till 0,1m/sec


Room temperature

Relative humidity

Velocity of air




Many faculty, staff, and students associated with the eye, so the lighting requirements of premises and employment of staff is an important element of the rational organization of work.

Indoors there are two light sources-natural and artificial light sources created by people.

Jobs for students and teachers, working with displays are located away from Windows and focus so window openings are located on the side. The Windows have adjustable blinds.

Fluorescent lamps are used mainly for artificial lighting. They have high light efficiency (up to 75 LM/w and more), long life (up to 10000h), low brightness of the illuminated surface, close to the natural spectral composition of light emitted, which provides good color reproduction.

The noise level in the workplace must not exceed 50dBA. Noise reduction is achieved by increasing the insulation envelope, sealing around the perimeter of the window Soundproofing utility connections points passing or crossing with walls.

Protection against noise in the workplace, as well as internal sources of noise from outside, by: reducing noise at source, the use of collective and individual protection, rational layout and service facilities of acoustic treatment.

5.3.2. Noise reduction

The main source of noise in the workplace computer system unit. Currently, there is complete silence desktops where coolant and electromagnetic pump (no moving parts), solid state drive is used. However, such decisions are not suitable for the conditions of the enterprise, therefore, in low and medium price category will be considered next. The chapter uses some material from the article [2].

In most cases, the noise level up to 30 DB at a distance of 1 m is considered comfortable.

The main sources of noise in a computer are:

1 - power supply unit fan,

2 - processor fan,

3 - fan of videocard,

4 - frontal fan of the Hard drive and the Hard drive

Directly all of the output noise power supply depends on (a) the system architecture and the material from which it is made. It is best to choose a case with 1-2 front, 1 fan on the back wall and 1 fan on the top cover, therefore, the power supply must be located in the lower part of the body.

Conditions of quiet fans for the video card and the next choice:

• Large diameter blades (from 80 mm);

• Low current (0.1 -0.2);

• Rare location of the blades;

• Hydro-bearings

A large number of low-cost fans up to 3000 tenge meets the first three criteria, jet fans bearings are typically 40-50% more expensive.

Currently, there are a large number of hard drives with low noise. Typically, this is achieved by low working speed. For example, a line of hard drives Western Digital Green Caviar works range from 24 to 29 DB.

Also of note, SSD, which had no mechanical parts, which means that there is no noise during operation. However, such solutions are very expensive (about $ 1 GB SSD = 100 tenge, whereas the cost of 1 GB HDD = 20 tenge), they hardly can be recommended for business PCs.

5.3.3. Purchase of equipment meeting safety standards

To ensure a minimum level of harmful radiation from a computer monitor in 1978 was established by the International Committee of the TCO Development, dealing with voluntary certification for ergonomics and safety of electronic products. Standards adopted by the Commission are regularly reviewed and updated, to date there are TSO'92, TSO'95, TSO'99, TSO'01, TSO'03, TSO'04, TSO'05 I TSO'07 [1], it was originally focused on monitors, defining limit values for low-frequency electromagnetic radiation, electrostatic field, the power control modes for monitors, etc., it was extended to printers, fax machines, MFPS, laptops later.

5.3.4. Elimination of static loads and monotony of work

To reduce the intensity of work and reduce the negative impact of monotony, you must perform the following steps:

• interruptions;

• changing the content and speed of work performed in a free rhythm and the rhythm imposed by the PC (striping the data entry and editing texts);

• Introduction to functional mode of music;

Moments of the day mode (gymnastics, break, third-party action of stimuli) are effective only when their nature and location strongly take into account the relevant "critical moments" of the labour process, identify which health and dynamics study of psycho-physiological changes in the body Working permits.

To preserve the health of the user, you should follow some simple rules:

• Work place should be convenient and ensure the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the blood circulation;

• The total time your computer during working hours should not exceed 4:0;

• After each hour of work should take a break for at least 10-15 minutes, during which you must get up and perform a series of exercises for the eyes, waist, arms and legs;

• create external conditions, which weaken the impression of monotony of work (functional production room colors, the rooms of psychological unloading, etc.)

5.3.5 Lighting

Spotlights is recommended. General lighting is used. Maximum brightness 400 lux, the brightness is less than 15 units, a surge of less than 10%.

Lighting on a surface of a table at a brief must be 300-500 lux. Installing lamps Lighting Spotlight documents is not allowed. Spot lighting should not create a rocket on the surface of the screen and increase the illumination produced on the screen more than 300 Lux.

It is recommended that you use this world lamps, cold this world closer to the natural world. Power lamp 36-40 W, high 3000-4200 degrees Kelvin, they do not give high ultraviolet light.

The main flow of natural light should be on the left. Sunlight and Flash do not fall within the field of view of working with your computer.

5.3.6 Microclimate

According to GOST 12.1.005-88 [3], which uses the computers that belong to category 1A. For premises where workplaces with computers posted the following valid microclimatic conditions shown in table Table accepted.

Table 5.2. Microclimatic conditions

Period of year

Air temperature,СО

Speed of the movement of air, m/s

Relative humidity of air, %









Given the nature of the production, that is, high temperatures and low humidity, ventilation systems on the basis of one unit with the ability to control the temperature and humidity will be organized, as well as sewn ventilation system, provided,

Heating central water from the space-urban heating networks. Maybe use medium power electric heater for cold time and light off during heating.

5.4 Health and safety during emergency

5.4.1 Electrical safety

Electrical installations, which include almost all PC equipment, are designed to pose a potential danger to humans, because while the operating or maintenance works, you can touch the high voltage parts. Specific risk of electrical installations is that the current-carrying conductors, environmental, computer and other equipment, put under stress as a result of the damage (breakdown) of insulation, does not give any signals that warn people about the dangers.

When working on electrical installations to prevent any injuries he strictly it is important to implement and comply with the appropriate organizational and technical measures. Organizational measures included: the adoption of written or oral work order, work permit, supervision during the operation, making breaks in work, translations, and finish the work.

In the room to ensure electrical safety of electrical installations in operation, along with these activities, technological protection measures, which include: current-carrying parts, electrical insulation protective earthing, neutral grounding and isolation network, reduce the voltage, dual insulation.

5.4.2 Fire safety

Fire danger, being associated with heavy losses. Fire risk is possible if there are inflammable materials, oxidizers and ignition sources in one place.

Fuel component building materials, Windows, doors, floors, furniture, insulation of power and signal cables, electronic components and connecting cables between the cells, blocks, panels, racks, cabinets, structural elements made of plastic materials, liquids for cleaning PC components and assemblies from pollution.

Ignition sources may be Sparks, arcs, and hot spots of PC components and assemblies.

Sources of ignition in electrical and electronic equipment, devices used to maintain the PC components, as well as in systems of air conditioning and heating systems.

One of the most important tasks of fire prevention is the protection of building structures from destruction and ensure their adequate strength at high temperatures in a fire. Building structures must be made of brick, concrete, glass, metal and other non-combustible materials. To prevent the spread of fire from one part of the building to another fire barriers in the form of fire walls, partitions and ceilings.

For fighting fires in the early stages of primary fire extinguishing equipment used in REQUIRES: manual and portable fire extinguishers and fire, etc.

In buildings, the fire hydrants are installed on staircases, doorways, a site that is accessible and visible locations.

Use the following types of fire extinguishers:

1. powder fire extinguishers, type: op-5-01 (op-5-01). (In compl. GOST)

2. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers: PDA (OU-2, OC-OC, 5-8 (OU-2, -5, -8)) and mobile (OC-25, OC-80).

5.5 Engineering calculations on artificial lighting/noise protection/ ventilation etc.

5.5.1 Security

Ergonomic measures should reduce fatigue by reducing the psychological, psycho-physiological stress while providing optimal settings. Planning has played an important role in the workplace.

Figure 5.2 - Placement of main and peripheral components of the PC

Figure 5.2 shows an example of placing the main and peripheral components of the PC on the desktop: 1 - Scanner, 2 – Monitor, 3 - Printer, 4 - The desktop area, 5 - Keypad 6 –Computer mouse

For comfortable work table must satisfy the condition: the height of the work surface is in the recommended range of 68-76 cm.

Great importance is given to the characteristics of the desk chair. Thus, the recommended seat height above floor level is within the 42-55 cm

While working at the computer physicians advise to mount the screen at a distance of 50-60 cm from the eyes.

Great importance is also given to the correct working posture user. Uncomfortable working posture can cause pain sin muscles, joints and tendons. Requirements for working posture by video terminals are as follows:

  • head should not be tilted more than 20 °,

  • shoulders should be relaxed,

  • elbows - at an angle of 80 ° ... 100 °,

  • Forearms and hands - in a horizontal position.

The reason for wrong posture is due to the following factors: there is no good stand for the documents, the keyboard is located too high, and documents - too low, there is no place to put the arms and hands, not enough leg room.

5.5.2 Calculation of artificial lighting

Determine the number of light sources in the laboratory workstation with given dimensions of: length 6m, width 4m, height 3m, which includes 1 PC, such as IBM PC / AT. The room includes USP 35 ceiling mounted light sources with two fluorescent lamps of type LB-40. Reflection coefficients of the ceiling, walls and floor are respectively 10%, 50%, 70%.

Since the initial data gives type and capacity of the fluorescent lighting fixtures, the calculation of the required number of lamps is reduced to the ratio of luminous flux method’s (formula 5.1):


where Is–standard minimum illuminance, lx;

CS–design margin coefficient, taking into account the dust deposition and wear of the light sources in use;

S – Floor area in the room, m2;

z - Coefficient of uneven light distribution;

n - number of rows of lights;

Fls–luminous flux of the light source, lm;

mu–coefficient of shading;

nu – coefficient of utilization of lamp radiation;

Standard minimum illuminance, lxIs computer operating staff is equal to 400 lx.

For rooms lit by fluorescent lights, and provided the fixtures are cleaned at least twice a year CS is 1.5.

For the optimal (based on the uniform lighting requirement) positioning of fixtures irregularity factor z is 1.1.

Coefficient of shading mu is introduced into the calculation for spaces with a fixed number of employees or/and in the presence of large objects and is assumed to be 0, 9.

The luminous flux utilization factor does not depend on the type of lamp, only on luminous flux reflectivity of the walls of Pwalls, floor Pfloor, light source base Pbase and the geometric dimensions of the room and height of base of lamps, which are accounted for by using a combined characteristic – room index calculated by formula 5.2:


where, A and B - respectively the length and width of the room, m;

h - height of lights base above the work surface, m.

According to the original data the size of the laboratory is: A length is 6 m, width B is 4 m, height H is equal to 4 m

For computer rooms, between floor and height of work surface is 0.8 m. Therefore: m.

Consequently, by formula (5.2):

Given the set Pwalls equal to 50%, Pfloor equal to 70%, Pbase equal to 10% if I equal to 1.10,and from the data find nu equal to 0.49.

Number of rows of lamps is determined from the most advantageous ratio; for most types of lamps used in the Computing Center, q is 1.3...1.4; L - the distance between the rows of lamps, m.

The most advantageous ratio for lights USP-35, q = 1.4. From this the distance between the rows of lamps calculated by formula 5.3:

m. (5.3)

Place lights along the side of the room. The distance between the walls and the end rows of lights l = 0.3Lm.With the width of the laboratory B equal 4m, have a number of rows of lights (formula 4.4):

number of rows. (5.4)

Nominal luminous flux of lamp LB-40 Flmp= 3120, then the luminous flux, emitted by the light source is:

Fls = 2Flmp=2⋅3120 = 6240lm.

The floorage:

S = A⋅B = 6⋅4 = 24m2.

Determine the number of lights in a row:

number of lights.

With a length of one type of light sourceUSP35 with lamps LB-40 is 1.27m their total length is:

Llamp = 3⋅1.27 = 3.81m,

Therefore, lights are placed in a row over 0.5m.

The total number of lights is 6, which is necessary for uniform illumination of the laboratory workstations.

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